Thursday, December 9, 2010

Social Media

This past Wednesday, Dec. 8th, I attended the Social Media and Communication Symposium at RIT. The keynote speakers of the event were Jeff Jarvis (author of What Would Do? and an Associate Professor of Journalism at the City University of New York) and Deirdre Breakenridge (President of Mango! Creative Juice, a New York-area public relations and marketing company, and the author of four books on public relations, including the best-selling PR 2.0 and Putting the Public Back in Public Relations). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to listen to Deidre Breakenridge speak, but from what I heard and what I read on twitter, I knew she did a fantastic job. I was happy to listen to the address given by Jeff Jarvis. He was great! Not only was he interesting, but quite funny. One thing I will never forget from the presentation was "Content is everywhere." We no longer have to wait to read the daily newspapers to stay aware of what's going on, we are apart of the content. We blog, we tweet, we're apart of the news.
At of the end of Mr. Jarvis's presentation, he showed all of us "A Bill of Rights in Cyberspace."

A Bill of Rights in Cyberspace
I. We have the right to connect.
II. We have the right to speak.
III. We have the right to assemble
IV. We have the right to act. 
V. We have the right to control our data.
VI. We have the right to control our identity.
VII. What is public is public good.
VIII. All bits are created equal.
IX. The internet shall be operated openly.

Another session I attended at the symposium was by Professor Jonathan Schroeder, from Department of Communications in the College of Liberal Arts at RIT. His presentation was on "How Social Media Changed Marketing."He did a good job as well as he talked about good marketing and how social media empowers consumers. 

At the end of the day as I reflected on the event, I realized that the internet has changed a lot of ways we communicate and advertise. All of us as bloggers are now apart of the conversation.
We are all connected. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Visual Memoir

This is my visual memoir project I submitted for my Digital Design class. There's a lot of things I would change in the photo, but overall it represents me and where I want to be. :-) 

**This was created using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator**

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Feeling Lost

Lately, I've been feeling lost. I don't know what I'm going to do after I graduate. A lot of people may be feeling the same way and think everything is going to work out. I'm trying to stay optimistic but I'm freakin' out! Usually I'm always someone with a plan. Everything may not go according to that plan, but at least I have a good outline.

I know I want to be in media in some way. I've always been interested. I read articles, watch clips, think about how I would do things. That's why I got into communications. This is what I do. I just need to find my way.

Probably, I'm not that lost after all. I just need to work harder.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Remaining Golden Assignments - 2/5

Looking at the rest of the golden assignments I had left, I saw I still had to:

Practice listening

  • Make a vow to listen as much as you talk 
  • Attempt to spend 2/3 of the time listening to people, 1/3 of the time talking to people 
At the end of each day, tell yourself something you did today of which you are proud.

I thought that the assignment to practice listening would be a challenge for me because I'm a person that loves to talk. I don't know if I like hearing my own voice, but I'm so focused on what I'm about to say next, I may block out what another person is saying. I know... that's not good, but it's a process. I'm still working on it and I think this is something I have to continue practicing. I've realized that by listening more and talking less helped a lot of conversations I would have. I ask better questions, showed more interest in what somebody is saying. Not that I was never interested in what people have to say, but I tend to get to excited to share my opinion especially if the topic make me hype.

The last assignment I had to do was tell myself something I did today of which I'm proud of. Well, I didn't exactly record everything I was proud of every single day, I was proud to finish up my day at work each day. I was proud of thinking about my future goals and what I want to do. Today, I'm proud of finishing up all of my assignments I had left for this summer quarter.

This was the first time I've taken any classes during the summer. I really had to get it together, because usually summer mode means hardly doing anything for the day. This summer I decided to work full time and still be a full time student. I commend all of the students that usually do this every day. It's not easy, but you have to do it.

Right now I just appreciate being a college student.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

2nd Golden Assignment - 2/5

 As part of my Golden Assignments, it states that I must tell someone you love that you love them. This must be someone you actually love and say the words "I love you". This is something I believe I say almost everyday. I know every time I speak to my parents we always say "I love you" before getting off the phone. You never know when you get off the phone with someone if that's going to be the last time you'll hear them. So you have to make sure they know how you feel, just in case. Life is just too short.

Another assignment is to say something nice to at least one person a day - "AND MEAN WHAT YOU SAY". This is another thing I also do everyday. If I see something nice or someone is dressed nicely that day, I make sure to give them a compliment. For example during the week, a lady at my job at these beautiful high-heel shoes. I had to tell her I loved her shoes which she was happy about by smiling and thanking me. When you genuinely say something nice to someone they will know and truly appreciate the compliment they're receiving.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Five Golden Assignments - 1/5

For my Professional Selling class we have to complete Five Golden Assignments.

The Five Golden Assignments, shouldn't just be for class, but something we have to have set for our everyday lives. The assignments are:

1. Set Goals
  • Short-term goals
  • Long-term goals 
  • Professional goals 
  • Personal goals 
  • Share them, if you like
2. Practice listening
  • Make a vow to listen as much as you talk 
  • Attempt to spend 2/3 of the time listening to people, 1/3 of the time talking to people 
3. Say something nice to at least one person a day - "AND MEAN WHAT YOU SAY"

4. Tell someone you love that you love them.
  • You actualy have to love the person 
  • Say the words "I love you"
5. At the end of each day, tell yourself something you did today of which you are proud.

The assignments would be something to use to self reflect. I know I may want to practice #2 more because to be a great orator, you have to be a great listener. So hopefully, following these five golden assignments would help in the long run in life.

So to start off with my first assignments, I need to set goals for myself.

  • My short term goal is to complete my work and survive for the rest of this summer quarter. I thought everything was going to be a breeze when I decided to take classes, but I really had to watch myself and be on top of my work. I have come to realize that if I don't write anything down, it will not be done. So, I try to keep a planner with things to do.  I use it for school and work. 
  • My long term goal is after I complete my undergraduate degree, I want to continue and pursue a master's degree. Get a master's degree is something that I always find to be a necessity, not an option. I feel it's important for me to continue with my education, and learn more everyday.
  • My professional goal is to keep on moving up the ladder wherever I decide to work. I feel that I wouldn't be satisfied until I've reached to a position where I could say "I've made it." I would love to be the Public Relations Director at a great company in New York City (my hometown) and live in a fabulous apartment or brownstone in Brooklyn, or a condominium in Midtown Manhattan. I know to attain those things, I have to work hard.
  • My personal goal is to get up and start running again. I've always been a person involved in some time of physical training and fitness. Ever since I've been in college, I feel that I've been slacking on that, which has affected the way I function. I need to get back on track, literally.

I know my goals are attainable, but it's for me to go out and do it. I hope you go out and achieve your goals. Inspire others.

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
Albert Einstein 

 "Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there."
Bo Jackson

Cyberstalking Pt. 2

How often do you tweet? Or update your status on Facebook? Honestly, I don't do it often, many of my friends do. I know where they go, what they do, sometimes who they're with. It's still funny to read some of the comments that are online, but who else is watching. Sometimes we forget what is online that portrays us to other people. Last week, I was reading a very good article from the New York Times talking about some of the consequences of having "inappropriate" photos online. Though it may not be our behavior during work hours, companies take it very seriously when evaluating candidates for certain positions. Not just that, even when you have the job, is it smart to befriend your boss or higher rank people on Facebook? Personally, I don't think so. If you do, make sure to check what you say and what photos are uploaded. Don't talk about your job. Unfortunately, there have been times when people's profiles makes them look questionable. So, my advice is to be careful and watch out. Though the internet helps us to express ourselves, we have to remember who is watching and how much that may affect us.

Here's the link to the NY Times article: The Web Means the End of Forgetting

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Social Pentration Theory in Our Lives

In my Theories of Communication class, we learn and discuss various theories in communication with their approaches and assumptions.  One theory that has caught my eye is the Social Penetration Theory. It examines relational closeness within people.
This theory interests me because it explores the different stages all of us as humans go through in relationships. The textbook definition for the Social Penetration Theory is it's a process of relationship bonding whereby individuals move from superficial communication to more intimate communication. It may not be a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, it could be a mother/child or brother/sister relationship that could be explored. The number of relationships we could explore are endless.
It's interesting to find out how things change in a relationship as it goes from the initial orientation stage, where you reveal some information about yourself to another person to stable exchange, when there's an establishment of a personal system or connection of communication. There's an increase in the level of intimacy as a relationship goes through each stage.
I've been thinking about this theory and decided I should do my final paper on it. We may not know it, but the social penetration theory plays into our lives in some way. One important aspect of it is the reward/cost ratio. This is the balance between positive and negative relationship experiences. Think about past relationships, friendship, a boyfriend or girlfriend. Was it beneficial or did it cost you in some type of fashion? When you think about that question, if you're in a relationship where the costs outweigh the rewards, would you stay in that relationship?
Social Penetration Theory is important when it comes to us and our way of evaluating relationships. Hopefully, we're all in relationships where we continue to be rewarded and to us, it would seem priceless.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Years ago, I don't think we would be doing all of the things we're capable of doing on the internet. By having a computer, or at least having access to one allows me to be in touch with so many people and keep me up to date with all that's going on. At the same time, some of the innovative things on the web is quite scary if you think about it. 
One thing that's frightening is the access that many people may have in our lives. Actually it's up to us to see how far someone would go with the information they learn about you on the internet. With social networking sites such as Myspace, Facebook, and Hi5, a profile is a glimpse into the lives of individuals. It may show their birthdays, hometowns, current cities,relationship status, occupations, political and religious views. Photos and videos are ways of observing each other and what may be our daily lives. Even when you go out to an event and you thought you didn't take pictures for the night, just check the next day to see if you've been "tagged" in any. We have to be extra careful when it comes to photos because you don't want to be caught in a compromising situation in anyplace. 
Twitter is another type of social network where you have a chance to share your opinions, events, ideas or whatever within 140 characters. At first, I wasn't a fan of Twitter because I felt it was a website just made for status updates, which it is. Now that I'm using it for my blog, I find it quite hilarious to read other friends' tweets. The one thing that scary about twitter is when you tweet from a mobile device. Depending on what type of twitter application you use, you're able to see the location of where a tweet was made. Plus, with the time available, you could pinpoint the location of somebody. I don't want others to know where I am. 
With pinpointing location by using Twitter, Google has been amazing with their map, especially their global maps. The other day I was playing around with Google Maps and I was able to see the buildings and smaller homes in St. Lucia, W.I. (where my family's from). I tried to do that a few years back and wasn't able to. Now you see the names of all of the streets and highways, which was pretty cool. Now, they took it to the next level with the street view of addresses. I could see the convenience with that especially if you're going to a place you've never been before, but it's scary if some random person found your address from somewhere and decide to look up the address. I'm not saying it happening, but I can't say it doesn't. 
With this world we live in full of technology and innovation, we have to be careful with the information we put out there. It's nice to be connected to others even though you may not be geographically close. At the same time, that may cause some dangers that we must be aware of. So, set your privacy settings and be careful. 

Friday, February 12, 2010

What's Happening With the Money?

New York Governor David Paterson proposed last month a budget that would cut 5% from school aid and add $1 billion in new taxes and fees. According to analysts, they view this plan to be appropriate during hard times that the state is facing.
I'm a student who's very passionate about education and the system that's suppose to support and uplift our youth. So, when I first heard about the various cuts that was proposed, I was appalled. The budget is $134 billion and this addresses a $7.4 billion deficit. It shows a $1.1 billion cut in school aid, plus a $1 billion cut from health care spending. This aid would go towards hospitals and nursing homes.
It's sad to see money is going to be taken away from people that would really need it in New York State. As I sit and think about it, there were a lot of programs when I was attending public school in Brooklyn, NY that no longer exist. For example, the after-school Beacon program, a program that parents used to send their kids to get involve in different activities and receive additional help in school work. I used to complain about why I had to go to some of those programs, but I truly benefited from going. When we would go over a topic the next day in class, I knew what to do. Plus, it was a good way to utilize young kids' time instead of being outside on the street when most of our parents were still at work.
Health care spending is really important as well because a lot of citizens, especially senior citizens who are living in nursing homes or have a lot of hospitals visits, will be affected. We already have problems with insurance companies and dirty deals with HMOs.
I understand that the State of New York is facing hard times and taking extreme measures to cut this huge deficit. However, taking money away from children's education and health care is not the best step. I feel by doing that, New York is taking away their investment in the future and the future of the people.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tattoos....Is It Still a Social Deviant??

Angelina Jolie

Tattooing has been a practice since the Neolithic times in Europe and Asia. It's a permanent marking or design made on the body by the introduction of pigment through ruptures in the skin.
Do you have a tattoo? Actually, I have two. You wouldn't notice when you first meet me, for I've kept my tattoos very discrete. When I first went to the tattoo parlor to get a tattoo, my thought was not just about what I wanted, but where I wanted it, for it possibly could affect how others may perceive of you.
Now, as a college student, this is a time where we may find ourselves as individuals breaking away from the shelters created by our parents and into the real world. In addition, the real world is highly judgmental and not pretty. I don't believe anyone wants to go outside and be discriminated in any shape or form, even for body art, but it's happening. It's not right to be underestimated of your abilities because of tattoos or anything for that matter. I know we advocate not be judgmental, but we all do it towards a group or at least someone.
Many of the negative perceptions of tattoos in the United States comes from prison inmates and criminal gangs known for getting distinctive tattoos to show their affiliations. On the other hand, soldiers of the U.S. military have a longstanding history of tattoos, which would indicate military units, battles and/or kills.
The business world is a place known to be socially conservative and would frown upon tattoos and piercing. However, many modern-day celebrities are known to have and sport their tattoos. With television shows such as LA Ink and Miami Ink, there's a huge presence of tattoos in pop culture. Most likely people in the corporate world have tattoos and we wouldn't know. We'll see as time goes, how the professional world would adapt to this.
I'm proud of the tattoos I have because they truly mean something to me. I thought about the tattoo I wanted for years prior to going to the tattoo parlor, so when I was of age, I knew exactly what to ask for. I believe, if anyone is interested in getting a tattoo, be absolutely positive about what you want because it's permanent. Even with laser removal, it has been said that using laser removal is way more painful than when you first got the tattoo, plus it's expensive. So, BE SURE about your decision.