Angelina Jolie
Tattooing has been a practice since the Neolithic times in Europe and Asia. It's a permanent marking or design made on the body by the introduction of pigment through ruptures in the skin.
Do you have a tattoo? Actually, I have two. You wouldn't notice when you first meet me, for I've kept my tattoos very discrete. When I first went to the tattoo parlor to get a tattoo, my thought was not just about what I wanted, but where I wanted it, for it possibly could affect how others may perceive of you.
Now, as a college student, this is a time where we may find ourselves as individuals breaking away from the shelters created by our parents and into the real world. In addition, the real world is highly judgmental and not pretty. I don't believe anyone wants to go outside and be discriminated in any shape or form, even for body art, but it's happening. It's not right to be underestimated of your abilities because of tattoos or anything for that matter. I know we advocate not be judgmental, but we all do it towards a group or at least someone.
Many of the negative perceptions of tattoos in the United States comes from prison inmates and criminal gangs known for getting distinctive tattoos to show their affiliations. On the other hand, soldiers of the U.S. military have a longstanding history of tattoos, which would indicate military units, battles and/or kills.
The business world is a place known to be socially conservative and would frown upon tattoos and piercing. However, many modern-day celebrities are known to have and sport their tattoos. With television shows such as LA Ink and Miami Ink, there's a huge presence of tattoos in pop culture. Most likely people in the corporate world have tattoos and we wouldn't know. We'll see as time goes, how the professional world would adapt to this.
I'm proud of the tattoos I have because they truly mean something to me. I thought about the tattoo I wanted for years prior to going to the tattoo parlor, so when I was of age, I knew exactly what to ask for. I believe, if anyone is interested in getting a tattoo, be absolutely positive about what you want because it's permanent. Even with laser removal, it has been said that using laser removal is way more painful than when you first got the tattoo, plus it's expensive. So, BE SURE about your decision.